Our offers are non-committal and non-binding. All services can be purchased from us as a voucher. All vouchers/loyalty pass cards sold by us are valid for two years (vouchers are not transferable). Special offers are only valid within the advertised period and are to be taken advantage of during this time or are valid as long as they are in stock. Vouchers cannot be paid out in cash. §3 Appointments, Treatments All legally competent persons over the age of 18 are treated at their own request and by appointment. For persons under the age of 18, the consent of the legal representative is required. If the customer requests a special treatment appointment, we will try to accommodate this request. However, due to the large number of appointment requests, this is not always feasible. Agreed dates are binding. If the client cannot or does not want to make use of a treatment appointment for services that extend over several treatment appointments, an alternative appointment for the canceled appointment must be agreed upon at his request. The duration and scope of the treatment depend on the prior and individual agreement and the skin type. We give treatment recommendations, the decision about the type of treatment is made by the customer. If we are unable to meet an appointment for reasons beyond our control or force majeure, the customer will be informed immediately, provided that the address and contact details provided enable us to contact them promptly. In this case, we are entitled to postpone the appointment at short notice or to withdraw from the contract. Our statutory rights of withdrawal and termination remain unaffected. In justified cases, appointments can only be accepted after appropriate advance payment.